Oh, hi there!
This is the digital home of Tim Bielawa. I'm just another geek from the
GeoCities and Homestead era. Back then before "blogging" we called it e/n
, or
everything/nothing. This place used to run on WordPress, but I'm over all that
extra work now.
I'm a philosophical naturalist. Think "atheist", except instead of defining my belief structure by the absence of any theistic system, I define it by the abundantly observable natural world around us.
The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be (Carl Sagan)
He said it pretty well.
- This site is generated with Jekyll [MIT License]
- What you are seeing is all based off of the default minima theme [MIT License]
- This lovely font is called FiraCode [OFL-1.1 License]
- All content on this site is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license